Orthogonal Defect Classification - ODC

What is Orthogonal Defect Classification?

ODC uses data we already have to give us insight we do not have about the software engineering business.

ODC is a technology which extracts valuable information from the defect stream of any software engineering process to yield insight and diagnosis. ODC stands for Orthogonal Defect Classification - a particular method of categorization that has properties of measurement. ODC was invented using the term "defect", but technically works on any "change". Thus, design changes, customer issues, or trouble tickets are all good sources of information. ODC turns all these information rich events into a measurement system with analytics to gain insight. I like to contrast ODC techniques with the MRI that has changed modern medicine. It gives us an imaging methods to look inside and assess what is really going on.


ODC helps us make better decisions. Better engineering decisions, better management decisions, and better financial decisions. We produce better product, drive more sales, reduce operating costs and cycle time.


We help you make your Orthogonal Defect Classification implementation most efficient and cost effective. There are several subtle nuiances to ODC implementation that influences results - approach, models, training, analysis and recommendations.  We are behind some of the most successful implementations in the industry and will help you become successful.

ODC RCA Performance

Ram Chillarege, 2008
How does ODC (Orthogonal Defect Classification) based root cause analysis (RCA) compare with the classical root cause analysis in terms of speed of RCA? The figure below with the four quadrants that divide cost and capability illustrates the basis differences.